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Job Application

Hello, and thank you for showing an interest in joining the Bike One Team! We would like to get to know you a little better. Answer the questions to the best of your ability and when you are done, click submit. We'll review it and be in touch if we like what we see.

General Information

(First Middle Last)
(Include City, State, and Zip)
(xxx) xxx-xxx
(Proof of U.S. citizenship or immigration status will be required upon employment)
A conviction may be relevant if job related, but don't worry, it does not bar you from employment

Job Specifics

Check one or more jobs that you are qualified to perform
(select one)


Name & Location
Name, location, and major

Previous Work History

List current and previous job history with references

Please list your last 3 jobs reference contact information and briefly explain your responsibilities
(select one)
include position and responsibilities performed
(if yes, please tell us the name of the class and what you learned; if no, ignore this question)

An Opportunity to Tell Us About Yourself

Please consider this section an opportunity to present yourself in terms of your sales experience, interests, aptitudes and goals. You will note that many of the items are designed to give you freedom in expressing yourself -- ideas, feelings, imagination, originality, etc.

It's ok if you don't, we wont judge you.
Recreation, competition, mountian trails, give us a rundown of your cycling style
Select all that apply
Likes, dislikes, success, products or services, strengths and weaknesses, etc.

All About You

Thank you!

We will process your application as soon as possible, just one last question.